James Haddock – The Derelict Duty 1 (EPUB)

James Haddock - The Derelict Duty 1 (EPUB) Download

James Haddock – The Derelict Duty 1 (EPUB)
EPUB | 323.94 KB | N/A Pages

Title: The Derelict Duty 1
Author: James Haddock
Language: English
Publication date: N/A
Publisher: N/A
Subjects: LitRPG
The Blaring klaxon jolted me out of a sound sleep. I threw my covers off and was halfway to my Vac-suit locker before I was fully awake. It felt like I had just fallen to sleep having just finished a long EVA shift. It would be just like Dad to have an emergency drill after an EVA shift to see if I had recharged my suit. I had, I always did, both Mom and Dad were hard taskmasters when it came to ship, and personal safety. Vac-suit recharging was top of the personal safety list. If you can’t breathe, you die, easy to remember.
Donning a Vac-suit was second nature for me, after 16 years of drills and practice exercises. Having literally been doing this all my life, but I loved life on our Rock-Tug. I was reaching for the comms when I felt the ship shutter. “That can’t be good,” I said to myself.
Mom’s voice came over ship-wide, “This is not a drill, this is not a drill, meteor strike, hull breach in Engineering”. Mom’s voice was just as calm as if she was asking, what’s for lunch. This was a way of life for us, we trained and practiced so that when the reality of working in “The Belt” happened you didn’t panic, you just did your job. You didn’t have to think, you knew what you needed to do, and you did it.
I keyed my comms, “Roger, hull breach in Engineering, where do you need me Mom?” “Get to Engineering and help your Father, I’m on the Bridge trying to get us in the shadow of a bigger rock for some protection.” Mom answered. My adrenalin was spiking but Mom’s calm voice, helped to keep me calm.
I sealed my helmet and left my cabin heading for Engineering. The klaxon had faded into the background, my breathing was louder than it was. I kept telling myself “Stay calm, just do your job, stay calm.”
I had just reached Engineering, when the Tug was rocked by a succession of impacts each one harder that the last. The hatch to Engineering was closed and the indicator light was flashing red, telling me there was hard vacuum on the other side. I switched my comms to voice activated, “Dad? I’m at the hatch to Engineering it’s in lockdown, I can’t override it from here.” “Dad? Dad?, Dad respond!
“Mom, Dad is not answering, and Engineering is sealed, you are going to have to evac the air from the rest of the ship, so I can open the hatch.” Mom’s steady voice replied, “Understood, emergency air evac in 10 seconds.”
Those were the longest 10 seconds of my short life. The hatch indicator light finally turned green and the hatch door opened. The Engineering compartment was clear. No smoke, no fire, some sparks and lots of blinking red lights. I looked over to the Engineering station console, there sat Dad. He had not had his Vac-suit on when the hull was breached.
Hard Vacuum does terrible things to the human body. I suddenly realized that I had not heard Dad on comms the whole time, just Mom. She probably knew what had happened but was sending help in the hope that Dad was all right and that maybe the comms were down.
I heard Mom in the background declaring an emergency and calling on the radio for help. Her voice still calm somehow, “Mayday, mayday, this is the Rock Tug Taurus, Mayday, we have taken multiple meteor strikes, have multiple hull breaches, please respond.”
“Come on Nic, think! What do I need to do?” I asked myself. I closed the hatch to Engineering, to seal the vacuum from the rest of the ship. I turned and started back toward the bridge. There was an impact, a light flared, and sparks; time seemed to slow, there was no sound, we were still in a vacuum, just shuttering vibrations and sparks. Holes seemed to appear in the overhead and then the deck, it was so surreal.
The meteors were punching holes through our ship like a machine punching holes on an assembly line. “Meteor storm” **

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